Nancy Masland announced effective January 1, 2015, her resignation as Educational Consultant with NPM & A. “Gail Curran, who has been an excellent partner in the practice will continue to make therapeutic placements and offer options for children, adolescents and young adults with learning differences and emotional problems”, said Masland. Independent Contractor, Ken Rosenblatt provides placement consultation in the College Planning Department. Ken plans to attend the Spring IECA Conference and the Summer Institute to become an Associate Member.
We wish Nancy the best of luck and happiness. She has been a fantastic mentor and friend. More important, she has been unrelenting to those in need, especially in finding financial aid for families and in donating her time by offering reduced or free consultation services.
Nancy will continue as our mentor.
Gail Curran, M.S., M.B.A.
Educational Consultant
[email protected]