A frosty Fall Maine morning outside of Freeport found me sitting with 14 happy 10th grade girls at breakfast. Their energy and laughter was contagious, and I learned that each morning before breakfast and after chores, they walk 30 minutes to Wolfe’s Neck Farm to sit and meditate on a cliff above the sea. No wonder that they were willing to share their enjoyment of the place, school, staff and opportunity to study marine biology and nature in Maine. This is a semester program attended by girls from NY, CA, NC and elsewhere, who wanted a chance to discover their strengths and look at their challenges in a safe program. The faculty and staff are excited about the small classes and curious students. To reach Pam Erickson, the Exec. Dir. go to www.coastalstudiesforgirls.org. I can’t stop talking about the value and chance for this aged girl to find who she is and explore nature.
On my return from the rewarding MIBS tour (Maine IndependentBoarding Schools), I once again talked with Shari Popen, the Head of Sky Islands Charter High School, located on 17 acres shared with the Girl Scouts in Tucson. This is a school, currently 50 students, who could double and still maintain the quality of excellence. Many ‘hands-on’ experiences are available, for example, working to eradicate non-native grasses at neighboring Fenster School, and to collaborate with the U of A Agricultural Center in water harvesting, organic gardening, and land restoration.. Students can develop independent projects, as well as study core subjects and ecology, astrobiology,earth science, environmental literature, geography and global economics. on a ‘green ‘campus. Sustainability is the motto, and Sky Island is in the forefront of the conservation movement. You can reach Shari Popen at Skyislands.org or 520-382-9210. What a splendid opportunity to have a free education in such a great setting.